
Transforming GROWTH with Donnie Maclurcan

🌱 On the importance of BEING in our transition towards a post-growth economy


🎧 In this episode we talk about Transforming GROWTH with Donnie Maclurcan

🌱 Donnie is the director of the Post-Growth institute and a believer that the future of the market economy, and our sustainability, lies with purpose-driven forms of business that circulate profit back into the real economy. His passion is to co-create a full circle economy beyond capitalism. He is Australian and lives in wonderful Argentina 🇦🇷

💡 In this episode he talks about the importance of being, about circulation, embodied knowing and systems feeling, post-growth and how we might revitalise our communities and reimagine our world in this time of transformation and transition. 👓 About Donnie Maclurcan Donnie Maclurcan Ph.D. leads the Post Growth Institute, an international organization exploring how we thrive within ecological limits.

Believing purpose-driven enterprise is at the heart of a healthy market economy, he has consulted to over 500 not-for-profit projects and businesses, across 32 countries, having spent time based in Egypt, South Korea, Kenya, Fiji, the U.S., Argentina and Australia.

His own initiatives include leading the development of the Offers and Needs Market, the Post Growth Fellowship, the Post Growth Alliance, Free Money Day, the (En)Rich List, the Not for Profit Way training, and the globally active #postgrowth hashtag. He authors books that cover emerging trends in economics, technology, global equality and business.

🔗 Links

🟢 Post Growth Institute: https://postgrowth.org

🟢 Offers and Needs: https://offersandneeds.com

🟢 Free Money Day: https://freemoneyday.org

🟢 Post Growth Fellowship: https://postgrowthfellowship.org

🟢 Post Growth Alliance: https://postgrowthalliance.org

🟢 How on Earth: https://howonearth.us

📗 Publications: https://profiles.uts.edu.au/Donnie.Maclurcan/publications

📌 Follow us for more stories on #transformation and the pioneers who are Transforming Worlds.

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🐛💫🦋 Transformation is happening everywhere around us. Join your host, Carola Verschoor, a transformation designer and author, as she sparks conversations with trailblazers and pioneers of all walks of life. Together, we explore the art of transformation, fueled by inspiration, creativity, and a shared vision for a brighter future. Transformation is unfolding. Each new episode brings you new stories of amazing and unique people who are bringing transformation into their worlds and insights as to how they do it.🌎